Market Leading AI

The 9 AI Skills You Need Now to Stay Ahead of 97% of People

The 9 AI Skills You Need Now to Stay Ahead of 97% of People

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming our world including health care, finance education, entertainment every sector, and everything. As it grows gradually the demand for AI will be growing soon. It’s not dangerous to be scared and try to get away from it, but it’s time to understand it and use it in our daily lives …

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difference between AI and generative AI

What is the difference between AI and generative AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like a part of computer science. It’s about making smart computer programs that can think, learn, and do things by themselves. AI research has done really well in finding ways to solve many different problems, like playing games and diagnosing illnesses. One kind of AI is …

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LLMs and the Future of Scientific Research

LLMs and the Future of Scientific Research: What Does Springer Nature’s Ban Mean?

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that are trained on massive datasets of text and code. They can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. In January 2023, Springer Nature, the world’s largest academic publisher, announced that it would …

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Benefits of Using PrivateGPT

The Benefits of Using PrivateGPT

PrivateGPT is a privacy-preserving chatbot that allows you to chat with an LLM without having to share your personal data. Your conversations with PrivateGPT are scrubbed of any personally identifiable information (PII) and stored locally on your device. This means that your privacy is protected and your data cannot be used to track you or …

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Best AI Website Builders of 2023

The Best AI Website Builders of 2023

Introduction In the past, building a website was a difficult and time-consuming process. You needed to know how to code and design, or you had to hire someone who did. But now, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), anyone can create a professional website with ease. AI-powered website builders use artificial intelligence to automate the website …

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Eye scanner ai

Google AI Eye Scan: How Google AI is Changing Healthcare

Google AI is developing new technologies that are revolutionizing eye care. These technologies can detect eye diseases at an early stage, predict heart disease, and even help people with vision loss. Introduction: Google AI has made significant progress in the field of healthcare by using deep learning to diagnose diabetic retinopathy and predict cardiovascular risk …

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